Debian Patches

Status for wmcoincoin/2.6.5.git+42.b85f761c7010-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-platypus-linker-fixes.patch fix wmcoincoin-player linker flags When upstream merged d/p/replace-imlib2-config-with-pkg-config.patch, there
was a conflict which was incorrectly resolved and resulted in the wrong
imlib2 variable prefix appearing in platypus/
Jeremy Sowden <> yes 2025-03-16
02-fix-pre-ANSI-function-declarations.patch remove pre-ANSI function declaration Pre-ANSI function declarations have been removed in C23 and the syntax reused
for declaring functions with no parameters (like C++). GCC 15 now defaults to
C23, so these declarations cause an FTBFS.
Correct the prototypes of `pp_get_filter_mode` and `boards_create` and remove
unused argument from `boards_create` call.
Jeremy Sowden <> yes debian 2025-03-16

All known versions for source package 'wmcoincoin'
