Debian Patches

Status for wmsun/1.06-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01-fix-incompatible-pointer-type-errors.patch fix type of arguments to `gmtime_r(3)` and `localtime_r(3)` With recent versions of gcc, on architectures where `long` and `time_t` are not
the same size, passing pointers to `long` to `gmtime_r(3)` and `localtime_r(3)`,
leads to "incompatible pointer type" errors. Use `time_t` instead.
Jeremy Sowden <> yes debian 2024-12-24
02-fix-pre-ansi-function-declarations.patch remove pre-ANSI function declarations Pre-ANSI function declarations have been removed in C23 and the syntax reused
for declaring functions with no parameters (like C++). GCC 15 now defaults
to C23, so these declarations cause an FTBFS.
Update the function definitions to have prototypes where these are missing,
make them static and replace the obsolete declarations with modern equivalents.
Jeremy Sowden <> invalid debian 2025-02-27

All known versions for source package 'wmsun'
