Debian Patches

Status for workflow/0.11.8-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
remove-online-tests.patch Removes online tests run during 'make check' Several of the tests reach out to online DNS servers or urls.
This patch removes those tests so that the package can be
built in an offline manner without reaching out to external
sources. This patch also removes tests which require other
applications to be running, such as redis and mysql.
workflow (0.9.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
* test/CMakeLists.txt: Commented out online tests
Lance Lin <> not-needed
adjust-server-name.patch Append server name to HTTP response Lance Lin <> not-needed 2022-08-15
add_hardening_flag_for_tests.patch Add hardening flag for tests Lance Lin <> not-needed 2023-11-04

All known versions for source package 'workflow'
