Debian Patches

Status for wtforms-alchemy/0.18.0-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
upstream/tests-Don-t-depend-on-distutils-and-use-packaging-instead.patch tests: Don't depend on distutils and use packaging instead
distutils will get removed one day in the future.

from distutils.version import LooseVersion
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-11-27
debian-hacks/tests-Adding-a-hack-to-handle-list-element.patch tests: Adding a hack to handle list element
test_supports_custom_datetime_format does some checking about formated
datetime elements which seems now to be a list of one or more elements.

This patch isn't a real fixing, yes.
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-11-27
doc/docs-Use-local-Python-intersphinx-inventary.patch docs: Use local Python intersphinx inventary Carsten Schoenert <> not-needed 2022-11-27
doc/docs-Use-local-WTforms-intersphinx-inventary.patch docs: Use local WTforms intersphinx inventary Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-11-27
doc/docs-Use-local-SQLAlchemy-Utils-intersphinx-inventary.patch docs: Use local SQLAlchemy-Utils intersphinx inventary Carsten Schoenert <> not-needed 2022-11-27
doc/docs-Use-local-WTForms-Components-intersphinx-inventary.patch docs: Use local WTForms-Components intersphinx inventary Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-11-27

All known versions for source package 'wtforms-alchemy'
