Debian Patches

Status for wtforms-alchemy/0.18.0-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
upstream/tests-Don-t-depend-on-distutils-and-use-packaging-instead.patch tests: Don't depend on distutils and use packaging instead
distutils will get removed one day in the future.

from distutils.version import LooseVersion
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-11-27
debian-hacks/tests-Adding-a-hack-to-handle-list-element.patch tests: Adding a hack to handle list element
test_supports_custom_datetime_format does some checking about formated
datetime elements which seems now to be a list of one or more elements.

This patch isn't a real fixing, yes.
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2022-11-27
doc/docs-Use-local-Python-intersphinx-inventary.patch docs: Use local Python intersphinx inventary Carsten Schoenert <> not-needed 2022-11-27
tests/tests-Let-i18n-tests-fail.patch tests: Let i18n tests fail
The failing itself is related to the behavior of sqlalchemy-i18n.
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2024-04-17
tests/tests-Use-sqlalchemy.text-to-prepare-SQL-statement.patch tests: Use sqlalchemy.text to prepare SQL statement
The SQL statement needs to be correctly checked otherwise SQLAlchemy
will complain.

E sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Textual SQL expression '(SELECT phone_number FROM...' should be explicitly declared as text('(SELECT phone_number FROM...')
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2024-04-17
tests/tests-Use-SQLAlchemy-2.x-compatible-mapper-call.patch tests: Use SQLAlchemy 2.x compatible mapper call
Calling the mapping function has changed in SQLAlchemy 2.0.

E sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: The 'sqlalchemy.orm.mapper()' function is removed as of SQLAlchemy 2.0. Use the 'sqlalchemy.orm.registry.map_imperatively()` method of the ``sqlalchemy.orm.registry`` class to perform classical mapping.

There are some needed changes to call mappings.

Carsten Schoenert <> no 2024-04-17
tests/tests-Fix-warning-on-deprecated-declarative_base.patch tests: Fix warning on deprecated declarative_base()
The function declarative_base() is now available via
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2024-04-18
tests/tests-Let-test_find_entity-self-fail.patch tests: Let test_find_entity(self) fail
This test needs to be rewritten/adjusted for SQLAlchemy >= 2, it is failing due
a different behavior of newer SQLAlchemy this way:

self = <tests.test_utils.TestUtils object at 0x7f2f5e4b8350>

def test_find_entity(self):
band = self.Band(name=u'The Furious')
singer = self.Person(name=u'Paul Insane')
self.BandMember(band=band, person=singer, role=u'singer')
guitarist = self.Person(name=u'John Crazy')
self.BandMember(band=band, person=guitarist, role=u'guitar')

sing_data = dict(,, role=u'singer')
guitar_data = dict(,,

> assert (utils.find_entity(band.members, self.BandMember, sing_data)
is singer.band_role)
E AssertionError: assert None is <BandMember band_id=1 person_id=None at 7f2f5d2ca2d0>
E + where None = <function find_entity at 0x7f2f5e7ecc20>([], <class 'tests.test_utils.TestUtils.create_models.<locals>.BandMember'>, {'band_id': 1, 'person_id': None, 'role': 'singer'})
E + where <function find_entity at 0x7f2f5e7ecc20> = utils.find_entity
E + and [] = <tests.test_utils.TestUtils.create_models.<locals>.Band object at 0x7f2f5cf72a10>.members
E + and <class 'tests.test_utils.TestUtils.create_models.<locals>.BandMember'> = <tests.test_utils.TestUtils object at 0x7f2f5e4b8350>.BandMember
E + and <BandMember band_id=1 person_id=None at 7f2f5d2ca2d0> = <tests.test_utils.TestUtils.create_models.<locals>.Person object at 0x7f2f5d2c8490>.band_role

tests/ AssertionError
Carsten Schoenert <> no 2024-04-30

All known versions for source package 'wtforms-alchemy'
