Debian Patches

Status for xmedcon/0.25.0-gtk3+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
avoid_linking_to_unneeded_libs.patch Avoid useless linking against GTK library for command line tool and library Andreas Tille <> no debian 2013-07-23
use_debian_packaged_niftilib.patch Do not create Makefile for removed niftilib Andreas Tille <> no 2018-06-16
cross.patch xmedcon fails to cross build from source, because it abuses AC_CHECK_FILE. The macro is meant for checking files on the host system,
not for checking files (such as includes) on the build system. For the
latter a simple test -f is ok. The attached patch fixes that part, but
it doesn't make xmedcon cross buildable: It later fails running
libs/dicom/parse, which is built with the host architecture compiler. As
a build tool it needs to be built with the build architecture compiler.
Fixing that likely involves using AX_CC_FOR_BUILD and possibly rewriting
parse.c to avoid relying on dicom.h.
Helmut Grohne <> no debian 2018-08-07
typos.patch fix typos caught by lintian Étienne Mollier <> no 2022-02-11
gcc-15.patch fix build failure with gcc 15 Since gcc 15, the compiler defaults to build conformant standard C
2023. This is causing multiple issues because now the function
prototypes are required to match arguments amount and types, while in
the past, leaving it void was equivalent to leaving it unspecified.
Étienne Mollier <> yes debian 2025-03-05

All known versions for source package 'xmedcon'
