Debian Patches

Status for xsol/0.31-16

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
10-remove-alignment-option.patch Remove XmNchildVerticalAlignment option to avoid the text "Settings" overlaps the text "Timed Game". Furthermore, this option was generating
the warning: "XmFrameConfigureChildren doesn't implementXmALIGNMENT_BASELINE_BOTTOM yet".
With this patch, this warning is not shown any more.
Mònica Ramírez Arceda <> no 2011-10-08
20-fix-spelling-mistake.patch Correct a spelling mistake in the main window title. Graham Inggs <> no 2013-06-23
30-fix-paint-glitches.patch Fix paint glitches when moving cards. Delay calling init_cards until score_widget has been managed.
We also specify a name when creating score_widget (for some
reason this causes it to be drawn with the correct height).
Graham Inggs <> no 2013-06-23
40-fix-undo.patch Fix undo. After undo-ing, the 'prev' pointer of the card that has been exposed
by the undo needs to be set to NULL.
The code to do this existed, but was being called before the undo.
This patch relocates this line of code to after the undo.
Graham Inggs <> no 2013-06-23

All known versions for source package 'xsol'
