Debian Patches

Status for pandas/2.1.4+dfsg-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
deb_nonversioneer_version.patch Don't try to use git to find the version number
Needed as Debian buildds use tarballs
Yaroslav Halchenko not-needed
deb_doc_donotoverride_PYTHONPATH.patch Don't try to import from the source directory
Needed as we build the extension modules elsewhere
Yaroslav Halchenko not-needed
xfail_tests_nonintel_io.patch HDF5 and Stata I/O are broken on some architectures
Fix some issues, warn on use and xfail tests for the remainder

Everything that has a run=False xfail in here should also be in
the run-and-ignore set in debian/tests/numbatests

armhf TestHDF5Store::test*encoding only sometimes crashes
(1.1.3+dfsg-1 passed on build but failed autopkgtest)

HDF5 and Stata are known to fail on big-endian architectures
Stata was previously seen to fail on qemu-ppc64el, but not real ppc64el
Andreas Tille <>, Graham Inggs <>, Yaroslav Halchenko <>, Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian upstream
deb_disable_googleanalytics.patch Avoid privacy breach by Google Analytics
Andreas Tille <>,
Rebecca N. Palmer <>
Yaroslav Halchenko <>, not-needed
mathjax-path.patch Use Debian packaged mathjax Andreas Tille <> not-needed
use_system_intersphinx.patch Use packaged intersphinx indexes Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed debian
contributor_list_not_in_tarball.patch Don't try to read a contributor list from the git log
Debian packages are built from tarballs, so there isn't a git log.
Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
fix_random_seeds.patch Use fixed seeds for reproducible pseudorandomness Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
privacy.patch Link to rather than embed Google calendar Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
find_test_data.patch Allow tests to use the data files in the source tree
We don't ship these in the package,
but do want to run the tests that use them

tests_path() is removed completely because it is unclear whether it
should point to the tests code or the directory above the test data
Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes
remove_ccbysa_snippets.patch Remove code from Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow content is CC-BY-SA licensed,
which this package is not supposed to be. These snippets may be
too small to be copyrightable, but removing them to be safe.
Rebecca N. Palmer <> invalid
numba_fail_32bit.patch Allow some numba errors on 32-bit
Specifying the exception type allows only explicit errors,
not silently wrong answers
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
hurd_compat.patch Avoid test failures on Hurd
Allow multiprocessing to be unavailable
Accept any errno not just 2 for (intentionally) nonexistent files
(Hurd appears to use 2**30+2)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
skip_test_missing_required_dependency.patch Skip test that fails from outside the source tree Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
fix_overly_arch_specific_xfails.patch Fix arch-specific upstream xfails
We test on more architectures, so upstream's xfails are not always
correct everywhere. On those known to fail:
arm64 xfail -> all non-x86 xfail
x86 or unconditional strict xfail -> unconditional nonstrict xfail
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no upstream
tests_dont_assume_64bit.patch Fix test failures on 32-bit systems Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian
armel_ignore_nonwarning.patch Don't require a warning armel numpy doesn't have Rebecca N. Palmer <> invalid
no_sphinx_toggleprompt.patch Don't try to use a Sphinx extension we don't have Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
sphinx_old_pydata_theme.patch Allow building with Debian's pydata-sphinx-theme
This is currently too old to have all the options upstream expects
1029251_ignore_rounding_error.patch Don't fail plot tests on rounding error
(upstream seem to have _disabled_ the affected tests
...see also test_series)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian
sphinx7_compat.patch Allow building docs with Sphinx 7 Rebecca N. Palmer <> yes debian
tests_dont_assume_endian.patch Don't assume little-endian in test references Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
accept_system_tzdata.patch Don't require python3-tzdata Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian
numba_warn_nonx86.patch Warn that numba may not work on non-x86
Currently known issues are crashes, not wrong answers, but because
the test setup doesn't allow ignoring crashes but failing on
wrong answers, it would be easy to not notice if this changed
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
mips_pow_nan.patch On mips, 1**np.nan and np.nan**0 may be NaN not 1
Done this way not a plain xfail to allow only this difference,
not clearly wrong answers

(The same hardware's "invalid value encountered" warnings,
probably from sNaN/qNaN being reversed, are ignored elsewhere:
d/rules and xfail_tests_nonintel_io.patch)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
allow_no_matplotlib.patch Don't try to run matplotlib-using tests without it Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
unbreak_clean.patch Don't crash on clean Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
ignore_ipython_exceptions.patch Ignore exceptions in documentation examples
Some examples download data, and/or depend on
packages Debian doesn't have, so can't run in a Debian build
Rebecca N. Palmer <> not-needed
xarray_version_workaround.patch Work around xarray wrongly reporting its version Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
allow_no_openpyxl.patch Mark tests that need openpyxl
(These do the usual loop through engine/read_ext but
actually use .xlsx every time)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
2p1_openpyxl_errors.patch Fix test failures when xlsxwriter is not installed Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
pytables_python3p12.patch Ignore pytables test failures with Python 3.12
The combined xfails are because two separate xfails where only one
has run=False may run, which is a problem when the run=False exists
to avoid a crash - see 1.5.3+dfsg-8 armhf build log
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no debian
ignore_python3p12_deprecations.patch Ignore DeprecationWarnings from Python 3.12 Rebecca N. Palmer <> no
test_complibs_blosc2.patch Allow blosc2 to report the type used
e.g. the bug had blosc2:blosclz
Rebecca N. Palmer <> invalid debian
sum_loosen_test_tolerance.patch Don't fail sum test on near-cancelling inputs
Failed in 1.5.3+dfsg-11 after it happened to select an input that
cancelled to ~1e-5 (on i386, so x87 excess precision might be involved)
Rebecca N. Palmer <> no

All known versions for source package 'pandas'
