Debian Patches

Status for pymol/3.0.0+dfsg-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
03_povray.patch Adjust povray options Michael Banck <> not-needed
22_fix_pymol_import.patch Fix importing of pymol by setting PYMOL_PATH explicitly
Michael Banck <> not-needed debian
27_fix_pymol_path_in_setup.patch =================================================================== Michael Banck <> no
28_no_data_install_in_python_path.patch =================================================================== Michael Banck <> no 2013-03-26
31_fix_format-security.patch Fix "error: format not a string literal and no format arguments [-Werror=format-security]" (#759860) Michael Banck <> invalid
32_fix_spelling_lintian_warnings.patch fix spelling lintian warnings
Tatiana Malygina <> no 2016-07-18
33_fix_relative_paths_in_example_scripts.patch fix relative paths in example scripts Some example scripts are intended to be used from directory they are located
at. However, some of them use files located in different directory, which is
given by relative path (e.g., "../../test/dat/pept.pdb") or path based on
$PYMOL_PATH variable value. At the same time these scripts write output
(if any present) to current directory.
These fixes enable users to call example scripts from different directories
where they have write access. $PYMOL_PATH location addressed in examples
path is incorrect, because in Debian package it points to different location.
This script also solves this problem where it is possible.

Tatiana Malygina <> no 2016-08-14
34_fix_examples_add_fetch_instead_of_load.patch use fetch instead of load in pymol scripts when necessary In example scripts, which require .pdb files not shipped with upstream source,
use fetch instead of load, to download required Protein Data Bank structures.
See more on pymol's `fetch` command here:
Tatiana Malygina <> no 2016-08-16
40_mstop_movies.patch Modify examples so that they do not run forever When invoked in script mode (-c) pymol up until v2 used to exit; newer
versions will loop the aninamtion forever. This patch puts an explicit
stop at the end of each script where there is an animation being generated
to make it stop playing.
While this potentially makes the examples less useful to run from the
command line themselves without editing, it at least fixes the tests.
Stuart Prescott <> no upstream

All known versions for source package 'pymol'
