Debian Patches

Status for python-formencode/2.0.1-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-remove-dns-tests.diff remove-dns-tests.diff
Tests that require network (DNS) access
Stefano Rivera <> not-needed 2015-10-11
0002-disable_pkg_resources_in_tests.patch disable_pkg_resources_in_tests Stefano Rivera <> not-needed 2015-10-11
0003-Remove-tests-from-test_email-that-require-dns.patch Remove tests from test_email that require dns.
Some of the new tests in test_email also require dns. This patch
removes them so the build does not require network access.
"" <> not-needed 2016-06-14
0004-Drop-setuptools_scm_git_archive-requirement-from-set.patch Drop 'setuptools_scm_git_archive' requirement from
The system setuptools we require in debian/control is good enough,
and this just breaks the build.
Neil Muller <> not-needed 2020-12-16
0005-Remove-LICENSE.txt-from-the-list-of-installed-files.patch Remove LICENSE.txt from the list of installed files
Upstream added this to include the license in generated artifacts,
but we have debian/copyright.
Neil Muller <> not-needed 2020-12-16

All known versions for source package 'python-formencode'
