Debian Patches

Status for python-formencode/2.1.1-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-remove-dns-tests.diff remove-dns-tests.diff
Tests that require network (DNS) access
Stefano Rivera <> not-needed 2015-10-11
0002-Remove-checks-for-installed-formencode-from-the-test.patch Remove checks for installed formencode from the tests.
We remove the various checks for an installed formencode,
as that is not needed for the running the tests during the build
Neil Muller <> not-needed 2024-03-25
0003-Remove-tests-from-test_email-that-require-dns.patch Remove tests from test_email that require dns.
Some of the new tests in test_email also require dns. This patch
removes them so the build does not require network access.
"" <> not-needed 2016-06-14

All known versions for source package 'python-formencode'
