Debian Patches

Status for rocm-smi-lib/5.2.3-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Merged-python-rsmi-bindings-into-the-main-file.patch Did not make much sense to install this standalone library file. Maxime Chambonnet <> not-needed 2022-01-18
0002-use-soversioned-library.patch use the soversionned library file instead of the generic The generic library name is a symbolic link pointing to the default library to
link against while compiling. This is only provided by headers "*-dev"
packages. The rocm-smi command should point directly to the run time library.
Étienne Mollier <> no 2022-02-15
0003-clean-amd64-flags.patch cleanup architecture specific build flags This should prevent some failure to build from source on non-amd64 targets. Étienne Mollier <> yes 2022-04-12
0004-gcc-12.patch fix ftbfs with Gcc 12 Torsten Keßler yes debian upstream 2022-06-20
0005-dotdot.patch fix a case of missing a double dot to fetch the library. Étienne Mollier <> no 2022-07-03

All known versions for source package 'rocm-smi-lib'
