Debian Patches

Status for rocm-smi-lib/6.1.2-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-remove-const-decorator.patch remove const decorator
This patch removes the `const` decorator for `rhs` as it's written by this function.
The upstream has fixed this.
Xuanteng Huang <> not-needed 2024-10-23
0002-add-version-script-to-control-exposed-symbols.patch This patch add a version script for linker to hide allinternal APIs from being exposed. Only public APIs beginning with
rsmi_* will be public.
Xuanteng Huang <> not-needed 2024-11-21
0003-remove-example-target-using-internal-apis.patch This patch keeps the example executable from being builtas it uses internal APIs which leads to symbol exposed unexpectedly. Xuanteng Huang <> not-needed 2024-11-23

All known versions for source package 'rocm-smi-lib'
