Debian Patches

Status for scoary/1.6.16-8

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
python3.11.patch fix invalid argument in open mode past python3.11. Since python3, the universal newline mode 'U' has no effects.
Since python3.11, that mode is obsolete and its use raises:

Command: -g scoary/exampledata/Gene_presence_absence.csv -t scoary/exa
mpledata/Tetracycline_resistance.csv -o Test1 --no-time
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/", line 25, in <module>
File "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/scoary/", line 184, in main
with open(args.genes, "rU") as genes, \
ValueError: invalid mode: 'rU'
Étienne Mollier <> yes 2022-12-07
scipy-1.12.0.patch fix build time test failure with scipy 1.12.0. Deprecated function scipy.stats.binom_test[1] expired in scipy 1.12.0
to be replaced by scipy.stats.binomtest[2]. This patch is a quick fix
to port to the newer API. Error handling revolving around the binomial
test might make less sense now though, but it's left to keep the change
relatively targeted.
Étienne Mollier <> yes debian 2024-05-29
remove_six.patch yes

All known versions for source package 'scoary'
