Debian Patches

Status for soundscaperenderer/0.5.0~dfsg-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
upstreamversion.patch fix upstream-version in configure upstream uses git-magic to set the version in AC_INIT().
since we are only dealing with "releases", we want to have proper version
numbers. since we don't want to update the patch for each new upstream-
release, we parse debian/changelog to extract the upstream version number.
IOhannes m zmölnig no 2014-03-04
exclude_pdf.patch don't install the non-existing PDF IOhannes m zmölnig no 2014-03-04
fix-srate-errormessage.patch more descriptive error message on samplerate mismatch provide suggestions what the user could do to not get the error at all IOhannes m zmölnig yes upstream 2015-08-14

All known versions for source package 'soundscaperenderer'
