Debian Patches

Status for ampliconnoise/1.29-10

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix-path-for-data.patch The upstream software is built so as to run from the build environment and look for
data in ../Data. In Debian the binaries belong in /usr/bin and the data belongs
in /usr/share. With this patch the binaries will run from any directory.
A better fix would be to allow setting of the Data directory via an environment variable
or a variable passed to MAKE at build time. This could be contributed back to upstream.
Tim Booth <> no upstream Specific to package 2011-04-28
fix-segfault-on-non-fasta-input.patch Some apps segfault when non-FASTA data is inputted, and this is flagged as a security
concern. I suspect there are still ways to segfault this app, but at least this fixes
an obvious crash.
Also fixes
hardening.patch Propagate hardening options Andreas Tille <> no
clang-ftbfs.patch Fix FTBFS with clang instead of gcc Arthur Marble <> no debian 2014-02-24
mayhem.patch Fix Mayhem issues by making reading fasta files more robust Andreas Tille <> no debian 2015-12-18

All known versions for source package 'ampliconnoise'
